THE GCAS SPRING AUCTION – SATURDAY MARCH 29 at THE DAYSPRING CHURCH OF GOD. 1060 SMILEY AVE. CINCINNATI OH (Forrest Park) 45240. Doors open at 9:30 AM for sale item/sellers registration. Auction Starts at 11:00 AM. GCAS Membership is NOT required to sell or buy. Lunch – pizza, hot dogs, chips and soft drinks will be available on site. Additional info available on the GCAS Facebook Page Auction Rules have been slightly modified – PLEASE READ:

GCAS is trying something brand new (to us anyway!). is the link to our Discord page. The Forum has become problematic. Please click on the link and give this a try!
A message from our Membership Chairman, Steve Kalbli…
Thank you for visiting the GCAS web page. If you’re interested in our new Forum, please click the ‘Forum’ button (next to ‘Club Events’) at the top of this page. This takes you to The Cichlid Room Companion – which is hosting our new Forum. If you are new to the Forum, kindly follow the Registration Instructions. If you created a CRC registration in the past – it will work now – but we suggest updating your password. For access to The Trading Post, and other Members Only sections of the GCAS Forum, please contact The Membership Chairman when your membership dues are in good order. At that point, you’ll be added to the Membership List. Thank you!
Also, our Facebook Page —— is always available for up-to-date GCAS info and to send us a message.